The first time I discovered polymer clay was when I was a child and my mother bought me a sampler set of Fimo and a book. I was enamored with this stuff and the beautiful pictures in the book (always did lean towards the creative). Then I became frustrated and fearful.... I only had a small amount of each color. I baked a few things but mostly I horded the clay and dreamed of a day in which I could made the beautiful things in the book. Over the years the clay became hard and crumbly and it gathered bits of lint and dust. I threw it out when I went to college.

I discovered polymer clay for the second time about 2 years ago. Again it was my mother's fault! She was visiting us and we went out shopping. She doesn't have the craft stores that I have here so she wanted to go and look at beads. As she was looking at the fabulous strings of beads and drawing me into the magic of beads, I looked over and saw a display for polymer clay (huh, it's still around) and I started flipping through a book. "Mom, why don't you just make beads instead of spending so much time and money looking for and buying them." It sounded easy to me, it sounded logical and look all Fimo products 50%. My mom laughs at me... that's not my thing... that's more your thing. And she bought me my first collection of polymer clay and tools for the second time!
Polymer clay has become my creative outlet. Sometimes I'm still fearful and horde but I have to remind myself what happened when I did that as a child and that art isn't about safety, it's about leaping....

Of course I give my mom the pick of the beads often. Sometimes I just sent her a package with all my new beads. It is the least I can do for the woman who introduced me to this media twice and gave me a lifetime to explore it.
This necklace is what I made my mother for Christmas. I loved the way the pinks blended with the coppery color!